Monday, April 16, 2012

As I walk I feel like am walking towards you and everyone is just passing by me, The whole herd of the world is hazy, just the way to you is clear!..I wanna run on that way, as fast as I can and be with you Again!...I love you

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Love is a feeling that I ve for you, love is a feeling that I ll always ve for is a thing that relates me to you.... Love is what you did to me, love is what cured me when I was sick .. If ever I can repay you, that ll be with my...... Love...My Love

Friday, November 4, 2011

It was Fall, I was walking through the boulevard looking at the trees shedding their leaves, Soon these trees wont have any leaves and will stand there just like a lifeless wood covered with snow, some trees leave their roots and fell off, whereas some trees will wait for the spring and bloom again, they know after gloomy winter they will have spring again. Similarly Human beings too have different phases in their life, they should not leave hopes for the happiness to come back in their life!..... If you don't experience a sad phase, you ll never feel what happiness is..

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Make God Happy

I was working in Sbarro(in Ernie davis), I was assisting the head cook(Dana, a very nice lady), My work there was too look after the spaghetti at the counter and i ve to replace it as soon as it runs out, Dana has kept some semi cooked spaghetti, I just have to boil it, add some garlic and cilantro to it and place it back at the counter, as i was making the spaghetti, she looked at the spaghetti that I cooked, she looked at it became very happy as i did a good job and spaghetti looked good, she said very beautiful, i like it...Similarly the God has given us this world, lets make it beautiful and make God happy, so that he says Beautiful!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

You wanna know the truth look inside you, You wanna know the reality think about what you did, you wanna know about happiness think about how many people you have made smile, you wanna know about sadness ask a mother of a soldier when her son dies fighting for his country, you wanna ask about glory ask the same mother who says she wished she had one more son to fight for her country, you wanna know about life….Just live it to the fullest thats what it is…There can not be a bigger truth than that we see, see good things do good things your truth will make you happy, Make your truth help someone find peace

Thats Joy my dog, I got him when he was 21 days and Now he is like 9 months.
I kinda raised him, I had to take him to the vet and he is really into cars so whenever he sees me driving out he hops into the car and I ll buy him some food from the store on the way back, he is so adorable but sadly I have to move to USA and I have to leave him behind in India.
He is being cared by my mother these days:)
I miss him!
Strawberry and the prunes, this is what I eat for breakfast these days in Syracuse and Ofcourse a banana sometimes, am Just eating the Nature in Such a lovely Place, Its so gorgeous during this period of time viz fall, but its not going to be the same all the year, things are going to get gloomy and cold, Just like life it can't be same always. Makes me live life to the fullest!
Live every moment you can just don't survive, live it, Cheers to you and Life!